Rogue Angels and ISS Vanguard compared

Both ISS Vanguard and Rogue Angels are cooperative science fiction campaign games with a choose your own adventure feel. Both are excellent.

Rogue Angels is still a prototype with the final expected in November 2024. You can back it (pre-order it) now on Gamefound:
=> Gamefound Rogue Angels

ISS Vanguard is final now. Some (including me) have the full game (Wave 1 and 2) and others should have the complete game soon (language editions will be a while before Wave 2 is shipped). You no longer can pre-order it (back it). Some retail outlets are selling it, but buying it retail now likely won’t include the “stretch goals” such as Wave 2 Lost Fleet campaign (thus my video includes just the core base game).

I thought it would be helpful to have a video showing the two games side by side. This hopefully will help you understand how they are similar as well as different.  If you already have ISS Vanguard you might be looking for another similar game to play next… and Rogue Angels just might be that game for you. If you don’t have either and are wondering which to get, this might let you see things in one or the other that fit your gaming style.

Here is the video. I will add some text below it soon (it is already almost 2am).

I will add text here soon comparing the two games.

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